Rachel Tucker
Guest Lecturer
BSc (Hons), BVetMed, MVetMed, CertAVP(ESO), DECVS, MRCVS
Rachel qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 2005 and initially worked in mixed practice in Cornwall. She completed an internship at Liphook Equine Hospital in 2010 followed by a spell in equine ambulatory practice before returning to the Royal Veterinary College in 2013 to undertake an ECVS residency in equine surgery. During this time she obtained an RCVS certificate in equine orthopaedic surgery and a Masters in veterinary medicine, undertaking research into tendon injuries in racehorses. Rachel gained her diploma of the ECVS in 2017 and is an RCVS specialist in equine surgery. She works at Liphook Equine Hospital as part of the referral team and has an interest in all types of surgery as well as lameness and poor performance cases.